Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1. Where can I find the Coordinated Entry Interest Form? I need to complete it now!
Answer: Go to the Coordinated Entry Website at, and then go to “Partner Resources”, then click “New Partner Agency” to complete the interest form.
2. I cannot log into Apricot to complete my application. How can I get back into the system?
Answer: Go to the Coordinated Entry Website at, then go to “Partner Resources”, then click “Returning Agency. The partner can use their user name and password to log back into Apricot.
3. My Apricot password is not working. How can I reset my password?
Answer: Go to the Coordinated Entry Website at, then go to “Partner Resources”, then click “Returning Agency. The partner can enter their user name, which is their company email, then click “Forgot Password”.